You’ll be surprised how big of a change that makes when playing the game. Is it worth trying? Heck yea! Download this amazing mod and give GTA 5 HUD a brand new look.

Is it the best graphics mod for GTA 5? Perhaps not. The colorful HUD mod enhances the complete HUD of the game- From the minimap to the gun wheel, everything is differently contrasted. Let’s take a look at the top 10 best graphic mods for GTA 5. Thanks to hundreds of awesome mods out there, you can repaint the whole GTA 5 experience through constantly updated textures and aesthetic graphics mods of this amazing game. Although it may not be the most realistic game in the world, graphically, but it once was… the vanilla version anyways.

GTA 5 came out as a graphical masterpiece of a game, and this still stands to this day.